
Autism News Weekly March 14, 2023

Autism News Weekly March 14, 2023

In recent years, researchers have been exploring the concept of brain “hotspots” that are correlated with specific symptoms in individuals with autism. Dr. Alexander Li Cohen, a child neurologist and researcher at the Autism Spectrum Center in Boston is at the forefront of this research. In addition, recent research has shed new light on how autistic people process emotions, and Michael Lewis is researching novel ways to detect autism at an early age. Read on to learn about the latest developments in autism treatment and detection.

Teaching Asperger’s and Autistic Children to do Chores: The Dot Method

Teaching Asperger’s and Autistic Children to do Chores: The Dot Method

It is often extremely difficult for Autistic children and children with Asperger’s to do chores. Often it is a battle that leaves both child and parent drained. Often parents will try to reason with the child, which goes nowhere, or try to bribe them, which often fails. Autistic children, like most children, do not want to do chores, but instead want to do their own things. However, children have to learn how to do chores, so one day when they are on their own, they will know how, and will be able to take care of themselves. The question is, how can an autistic child learn to do chores, without a huge fight? I have found a method that will help, called The Dot Method.

What is Cutting, and Why do People Cut?

What is Cutting, and Why do People Cut?

The concept of cutting is often a difficult one to understand. Most people cannot understand how someone could willingly wish to inflict pain on themselves. It goes against most models of human behavior. So then, why do people cut? This is a difficult question to answer, let alone understand. This short post will give you some ideas into the mindset of cutting, so it can be better understood.

The Most Prescribed Psychiatric Medications in America

The Most Prescribed Psychiatric Medications in America

All it takes it is an hour or two of watching TV to see numerous advertisements for psychiatric medications. Americans are taking more psychiatric medications than ever before, and it is only increasing. The question is, what are these medications, and what do that do? How much do they cost, and what are the side effects? The Infographic below slows the Top 10 Psychiatric Medications prescribed in America in 2011, and includes average costs, disorders treated, and side effects.

What is Depression?

What is Depression?

There are few conditions misunderstood more than Depression. Most in the public have no idea what Depression is beyond what they see in movies and television. Most think it is just sadness experienced by weak-willed individuals or by crazy people who are far removed from normality. These misconceptions are harmful, as Depression is a medical condition anyone can experience.

Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive at Home and at School: Review

Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive at Home and at School: Review

In the mental health realm, it is sometimes difficult to find guides that are for people who are not mental health professionals. Many of the books written assume training and extensive knowledge and are not very helpful to people without this training. For parents of children with Asperger’s, it is difficult to find a book that can give clear cut, realistic answers as to what Asperger’s Syndrome is, and how to best manage it. After reading Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive at Home and at School, I conclude this book is perfect in not only describing Asperger’s Syndrome, but in providing real world solutions to helping provide the best environment for your child. The book goes into a description of Asperger’s, how it is diagnosed, and strategies both medical and therapeutic to best manage Asperger’s.