Therapeutic Word of the Day: Relax

“Taking time out for yourself is being productive and healthy. It is a requirement for a balanced life. Relax today.”

I remember a time in my life where I thought relaxing was non-productive. This was a period where I had low self-esteem and felt if I was not always productive I was a failure. I worked 15 hour days, 7 days a week, and wondered why I never got much done. I was burned out and viewed myself as weak for being burned out.

Many people live this way. They believe if they are not productive, others will come in and take what they have. However, being productive means taking care of yourself, so you can get the things you need to do. Relaxing is not just important for productivity, but for your mental and physical health. The world will not end if you take a day off to do something you enjoy. Schedule time off, and sick to it.

Nathan Driskell
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