Therapeutic Word of the Day: Plan

“Plan for your future, but be ready to make revisions. No plan goes 100%. Those without plans have no future.”

It has often been said the trait of a good leader is the ability to improvise when plans begin to fail. This is true, as no plan will work out exactly as envisioned. No plan is perfect, as we do not know all the variables involved. I have had people tell me they do not like to make plans because “they always fail”. Maybe the failure involved was to change the plan as time went on.

In life, if you do not have a series of goals, you will get nowhere. You can make excuses as to why you do not have goals. You can blame society, your past, your relationships. You can do these things, but realize if you do, you will not get anywhere. This world does not care about your excuses. If you do not make a plan for your life and make revisions to this plan often, you will live a very empty, miserable life.

Nathan Driskell
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