Therapeutic Word of the Day: Meditation

“Can help reduce stress, improve sleep, balance moods and improve overall health. Give meditation a chance.”

Often many people assume meditation is sitting in the lotus position, listening to New-Age music, trying to become one with themselves or nature. At least, this is what I used to assume. I viewed meditation as New Age nonsense without therapeutic value.

This belief was throughout most of my life, even through graduate school. As someone who is blunt with my therapy, I did not consider meditation to be useful. It was too passive for my tastes.

One day around four years ago I was conducting group therapy in a partial hospitalization program. One of the patients asked if we could meditate. I remember scoffing and asking why. She said she enjoyed it as it helped reduce her anxiety and made her less moody. I said sure; we can try it, and quickly located meditation type music on my phone. For me, it, at least, would be an easy group. We tried it, with the patients sitting in their chairs, eyes closed as calming music played. I noticed afterward the patients were calmer and focused the rest of the day. I repeated this for a few weeks and could tell the difference. Overall, even on days, we did not meditate, their behavior and focus improved.

I decided to try it myself. I often have problems sleeping due to racing thoughts and decided to meditate before sleep. I would put on music I enjoyed and would focus on the music, not on myself or my day. Over time, I noticed I could get to sleep faster. Over the next nine months, I went from 1-3 hours to 15 minutes getting to sleep. Now I do not need to meditate every day and know when I need to. Meditation works and can be done in many different ways. Give it a try, and over time, you will see results.


Nathan Driskell
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