Therapeutic Word of the Day: Forgiveness

“Forgiveness: It’s not for them. They don’t know nor care. it is for you to move on. Forgive yourself and others.”

Forgiveness, like acceptance, is a difficult concept. Often people are reluctant to forgive others, as they feel by forgiving them, they approve of what they have done. I have had many people tell me they could not forgive someone, as they would feel powerless in doing so. Holding on to the hate makes one powerless. This hate does no good but contaminants, resulting in damaged relationships.

Forgiveness, in turn, allows you to move on and leave the hate behind. It never states what has been done is acceptable or ok. It begins to take your mentality from a victim to a victor.

In addition, learn to forgive yourself. You are and will never be perfect, so stop pretending to yourself you need to be. You will make mistakes. Learn from them and work to not repeat them. If you do not forgive yourself, you will repeat the past as you did not learn its lessons.

Nathan Driskell
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