Autism News Weekly 03-07-2023
Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with a wide range of symptoms and severities. Although its causes are still largely unknown, recent research has provided new insights into the condition. A study by the UC Davis MIND Institute has confirmed significant brain differences in those on the Autism spectrum, while Northwestern Medicine scientists have identified a possible cause for social deficits and seizures in a genetic subtype of Autism and schizophrenia. In addition, a Rutgers study has shown a significant increase in Autism in the New York-New Jersey area. These findings are crucial for the Autism community, as they provide new insights into the condition’s underlying biology and possible treatments.
Inside Rehab: The Surprising Truth About Addiction: Review
If you or someone you know is addicted to drugs or alcohol, you need the best treatment possible. Inside Rehab explores the truth about Rehab in the US. Inside Rehab explores the costs, treatments, and effectiveness of rehab treatment.
Depressive Illness: The Curse of the Strong Review
Depression is a medical condition millions of people suffer with every year. Many when depressed are told by their family and friends to “snap out of it” or to “buckle up and be stronger”, however this often leads to the condition worsening.
In Sheep’s Clothing: A Primer on Manipulation
No matter who you are, a businessman, therapist, or school teacher, in time will find your life impacted my those who would try to manipulate you. Some people use manipulation in rare instances to gain temporarily advantage, however, others will manipulate often, often without others knowledge.
Dealing with an Emergency Situation in Therapy
Chances are if you are a mental health professional you have had an emergency situation with a client. You may have had a suicidal client, or a client intent on hurting them-self or others. You have have experienced a situation where something traumatic occurred, and you are the first response team.
Internet Addiction: State of Emergency
The new version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) is scheduled for release in 2012. The DSM-V is to replace the DSM-IV TR as the main tool Psychologists and therapists use to diagnose mental disorders.