Therapeutic Word of the Day: Motivation

“Only you can motivate yourself to change. Do not depend on others. Motivation is the engine of change.”

I am often asked by parents what they can do to help motivate their children. Most parents by the time they see me have spent months, or even years, to try to change their child and get their child to improve. As most of my client are video game addicts, most parents do not have a clue as to help end their child’s addiction.

When asked what they can do to motivate them, I often tell them one word: nothing. One cannot motivate another into doing anything. Motivation is a personal choice. Others can influence, help, guide, and suggest. In the end, motivation comes from within.

The best way to motivate yourself is to have goals for the future you can obtain. Age does not matter. By having realistic goals, one can begin to work daily to improve themselves. The problem many people have is learning to create realistic goals, and having the belief, they can be achieved.

Be realistic and patient. Do not expect to achieve your goals in a day, month, and even year. Some goals are long term, and others are short. Breaking goals into smaller goals is an excellent way to keep motivated. Motivation, in the end, is a personal choice.


Nathan Driskell
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