Therapeutic Word of the Day: Focus

“Life is full of distractions, some from without, some from within. Focus on what is important and prioritize.”

Life is full of distractions. From career demands, family obligations, and other time constraints, we are always busy. I remember a time in my life I would have guilt if I was not working, or as I called it, “being productive”. At times, I would ignore what was important in order to please others at the expensive of myself. At times, I find it difficult to focus on what is important.

For me, I procrastinate. If I did not have a set schedule of tasks to get done, I would sit around and do nothing. While I have lofty goals, at times in my life I have not accomplished them.

If you are having a problem focusing in life, ask yourself why you do not want to accomplish your goals. At times, a fear of success can be as crippling as a failure as success makes us reevaluate ourselves and change our beliefs. Determine what you want out of life, and give yourself the time to accomplish it. Some days you will not focus and that is ok, but overall focus most of the time on your goals.

Nathan Driskell
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