Therapy Can Be Affordable

One of the barriers to Therapy is the price, especially when working with an expert. Many need help but cannot afford to enter into Therapy. To that end, I have created a Sliding Scale to lower my price for Therapy for people and families who need assistance. 

Woman with long hair smiling.

Sliding Scale Information

Session rates per 45-minute session by Nathan Driskell MA LPC are $200.00. Payment may be obtained by cash, check, or credit card. Insurance out-of-network compensation may be used if an agreement between Nathan Driskell, MA LPC, and the insurance company can be reached. The client may request a sliding scale for non-insurance-based sessions. Clients are made aware of their ability to request a sliding scale in the Consent Form. A breakdown of this sliding scale is below:

$120.00 a Session = $24999 Yearly or Below, $2083 Monthly or Below, or $480 Weekly or Below. 
$130.00 a Session = $25000 to $39999 Yearly, $2084 to $3333 Monthly, $481 to $769 Weekly.
$140.00 a Session = $40000 to $59999 Yearly, $3334 to $4999 Monthly, $770 to $1153 Weekly.
$150.00 a Session = $60000 to $79999 Yearly, $5000 to $6666 Monthly, $1154 to 1538 Weekly.
$200.00 a Session = $80000 and Up Yearly, $6667 and Up Monthly, $1539 and Up Weekly.

Income is based before taxes have been removed.

Income verification is required to determine the Contracted Adjusted Fee before the initial session. Verification includes the most recent household tax return, current pay stub, or direct deposit advance. If income verification cannot be achieved, sessions will be conducted at the full rate of $200.00.

Nathan Driskell MA LPC may offer session receipts, which can be submitted to insurance for partial reimbursement to the client.

End The Excuses! It Is Time To Commit!

Are you tired of your situation and know it is time to change? You have read about my Therapy Program, so now it is time to schedule your Free 15-Minute Consultation. Click the button below to contact me.

Older man with a beard smiling.