My Books
Below is a list of all the books I have written to date. Each self-help book is designed to help you with a specific condition or problem. All books are available on Amazon via EBook Format or Paperback. You can see samples of each book by clicking on them. To learn more about each book, click on them below.
Internet Addiction: Kicking The Habit
Do you spend countless hours online? Has this misplaced time led to work, school, or home problems? Have others called you an Internet Addict, or do you believe you may be addicted? Unfortunately, Internet addiction is a real and serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you feel you need help in combating this addiction, this book will help you learn why you are addicted, help in creating healthy routines, and combat urges and negative thoughts.

Is Your Child Addicted To Electronics?
Is your child always online? Do they spend countless hours playing games, posting on social media, or watching YouTube videos? Do they become angry and upset when you ask them to get off their electronics? Has this conflict damaged your family? If this is you, you need help learning how to control the electronics in your home and bring healing to your family.

So You Have Autism, Now What?
After being diagnosed with Autism, do you feel lost, unsure of what to do with your life? Do you find it challenging to make friends or interact with people? Is keeping a job or doing well in school difficult? Do you feel others do not understand you? Millions of people are on the Autism spectrum, and millions of them are leading rewarding lives. It is time for you to join them.

End The Excuses! It Is Time To Commit!
Are you tired of your situation and know it is time to change? You have read about my Therapy Program, so now it is time to schedule your Free 15-Minute Consultation. Click the button below to contact me.