Introducing My New Book: Is Your Child Addicted To Electronics? 30 Days of Healing & Recovery for Your Child & Family

It’s the same old story. It’s dinner time, and John is in his room, playing his Xbox. You have yelled over and over for him to come down, with no result. He yells he is in the middle of a game, and cannot stop. You wait 5-10-15 minutes, while dinner grows cold. You begin to eat, annoyed and frustrated. The same thing happens every night. He never comes to the table when called. He rarely does homework on his own. He is always playing games or watching YouTube videos. He yells at you often and does not understand why you are upset.

You have grounded him from electronics before. You have hidden the Xbox. He finds it and plays anyway. You have taken away his tablet, which he then steals your phone. He yells and screams at you for not allowing him to get online. He says all his friends are online, and they don’t have a mean parent like you.

A week passes. You get your credit card bill and discover $200 of charges you did not authorize. You find it is for games from the Xbox store, and figure out John stole your credit card to buy them. You feel so angry, so betrayed and you don’t know what to do anymore. Nothing works. Now John is a thief, and when you confront him, he then turns it back on you. He yells other parents buy their kids games, and that without games, he cannot play with his friends, and cannot have a life.

Sound Familiar? For many parents, this scenario is all too common. What do you do then, to help your child balance life with electronics, while putting your family back together?

To help answer this question, I have created a 30 Day Plan to help you learn how to set limits on electronics, as well as working to help bring healing to your family.

30 Days of Activities

As you work through the book, you will be doing activities with your child and family. Some of these activities are for you to learn more about your child’s addiction, while others are to help you learn how to better communicate with your child. Below is a sample of what you will learn while working through this book:

  • How your child’s addiction affects all members of your family. 
  • What role you play in the addiction.
  • What Needs your child gains from their addiction. 
  • How to better communicate with all members of your family. 
  • How much time your child’s addiction costs them. 
  • Healthy Coping Skills for you and your child. 
  • How to Lock Down Electronics, including PC’s phones and gaming consoles. 
  • How to create a daily routine for your child. 
  • Creating a Electronics Usage Contract for your family. 
  • How to Control Negative Thoughts
  • How to plan for your child’s future.

At the end of the 30 Days, you will know why your child is addicted, and how to better balance life with electronics. 

Available Now At A Reduced Price!

My new book, Is Your Child Addicted to Electronics?, 30 Days of Healing & Recovery for Your Child & Family, is available on Amazon as an ebook. My book will work on all Kindle devices, and through the Kindle Application, will work on all iPhone, iPads, Android, and PC. Act quickly, my book is only $2.99 for this month! To purchase the book, click the link below:

Amazon Link: Click Here.

Begin the Healing

Electronics addiction is only going to increase as more immersive technology is developed. Begin to tackle this problem now, before it turns into a crisis. By working through my book, you will begin to bridge the gap between electronics addiction and healthy use. If you have any questions, you can E-Mail me, and I will answer them. Good Luck!

Nathan Driskell
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