Bring Hope & Healing To Your Family!
Does your child spend too much time on electronics? Are they neglecting their schoolwork? Do they yell and scream at you when you tell them to get off? Are electronics tearing your family apart? Electronics addiction is a real addiction affecting millions of children worldwide. If you feel your child could be addicted to electronics, it is time to bring hope and healing to your family!
About The Book
How much time does your child spend on electronics daily? Is it 5 hours? 10 hours? More? Do they spend time playing games, using social media, or watching YouTube? Do they become upset and angry when asked to get off? Have their grades begun to suffer? Are you tired of all the friction and anger electronics are causing in your home?
Internet Addiction is a real and serious condition affecting millions of children worldwide. Unfortunately, there is little help for this condition in the psychological community due to the lack of research. So, how do you help your child and family overcome this condition? Fortunately, my book can help, as it is designed to help families learn how to combat this addiction.
My book, Is Your Child Addicted to Electronics, begins by examining how electronics affect your child and family. Then, you will take an inventory of all the electronics in your home and begin to learn what your child gains from electronics.
The middle of the book focuses on locking down the electronics in your home and limiting access. Next, you will learn how to create an electronic usage contract to allow all family members fair access to electronics. Finally, as a parent, you will learn techniques to rebuild your relationship with your child to bring your family back together.
The end of the book will focus on putting together all you have learned while focusing on your child’s future. You will learn how to help your child begin to make future goals beyond gaming and electronics.
Understand that this will be a difficult process. Your child will likely resist testing your patience, so things may get worse before they get better. However, over time, you will see changes in your child, your family, and yourself that will help you bring your family together.
Book Preview
It is the same old story. It’s dinner time, and John is in his room, playing his Xbox. You have yelled over and over for him to come down with no result. He yells he is in the middle of a game and cannot stop. You wait 5-10-15 minutes while dinner grows cold. You begin to eat, annoyed and frustrated. The same thing happens every night. He never comes to the table when called. He rarely does homework on his own. He is always playing games or watching YouTube videos. He yells at you often and does not understand why you are upset.
You have grounded him from electronics before. You have hidden the Xbox. He finds it and plays anyway. You have taken away his tablet, which he then steals your phone. He yells and screams at you for not allowing him to get online. He says all his friends are online, and they don’t have a mean parent like you.
A week passes. You get your credit card bill and discover $200 of charges you did not authorize. You find it is for games from the Xbox Store and figure out John stole your credit card to buy them. You feel so angry, betrayed, and don’t know what to do anymore. Nothing works. Now John is a thief, and when you confront him, he then turns it back on you. He yells other parents buy their kids games, and that without games, he cannot play with his friends, and cannot have a life.
Does this sound familiar? For many parents, this is a typical scenario. Most kids now spend eight hours a day or more on electronics, even on school days. Most of their hobbies are online, not to mention their friends. Combine social interactions, with hobbies such as playing games and watching videos, and most of their free time is online.
The question is, if you have a child like John, what do you do? You cannot ban electronics until they are 18 years old, as they need them for school, work and social interaction. You had likely talked to them before, which they ignored. You are out of options and do not know how to help your child balance electronics with life.
The scenario above, or something similar, is likely why you purchased this book. You feel tired, hopeless, and want this to change. To help, I have created a 30-day plan to help you better communicate with your child, while beginning to battle their addiction to electronics. Each day will consist of at least one activity I want you to complete. Some activities will be with your child; others will be for you. Much will change in the next month, as you will be learning more about your child, his or her addiction, and the role you play in it.
Introductions are in order. My name is Nathan Driskell, and I am a therapist in the Houston area. I specialize in treating Internet Addiction, as I am an Internet addict. I spent six years playing an online game for 10-12 hours a day while I was in college. I continue to struggle with addiction issues even though I quit the game many years ago. I have found for me; addiction is an everyday struggle I have to fight. The days I have clear, precise goals, are the days I do well. Days I am not focused, or mentally tired, are the days I stumble. Unlike drugs or alcohol, abstaining from the Internet is impossible. The temptation is always there to play a game, or watch a video, instead of doing work or other activities. If I, an adult who is a therapist, struggle with this addiction, imagine how a child feels? After working with over 200 children who are Internet addicts, I have found most have issues beyond their addiction to electronics. Without addressing these issues, the addiction persists.
In this book, I am going to incorporate techniques and activities I use with many of my children and adolescent Clients who are addicted to the Internet. Some of these activities will be quick and easy to complete. Others will take time and effort to begin and finish. While working this book, try to complete all activities in order, as they build toward a final product. If you cannot finish an activity within a day, continue until it is complete. Once done, proceed with the book. Life sometimes gets in the way, and you need to be flexible.
In addition to completing this book, I recommend working with a therapist who understands addiction, especially Internet and electronics addiction. This book is NOT a substitute for therapy! Working through this book with a qualified therapist will produce the maximum effect.
In the first part of the book, you will begin learning about your child’s addiction, what they gain from the addiction, and how you influence it. Insight into your child’s addiction will help you learn more about your child, and how to better communicate with them. You will be asked to evaluate yourself as well, as your well-being affects your child. You will be monitoring your child’s time online, and learn more about their online activities.
In the second part of this book, you will begin to change how your child interacts with electronics. You will limit their access to games, videos, and electronics while introducing them to alternatives. You will NOT be removing all access to electronics, as your child needs to learn how to live with them. At times, these steps will be difficult to complete, and your child will resist.
In the final section of this book, you will establish long-term rules regarding online access, and begin to plan for your child’s future. You will review techniques you learned in this book and will learn to better communicate with your child going forward.
I warn you; this book will be difficult to complete, as there is much to do, and you will experience increased conflict and tension in the home. Change is difficult, especially for a parent who is having problems with their child. You, as a parent, will have to make these changes and enforce them. Some days you will be tired and will feel like giving up. If you feel the need, take a break for a day or two, then come back. Once you have completed this book, you will have a greater understanding of your child, their addiction, and how you can help balance electronics with real life.
You will learn more about yourself and how electronics have affected your family.
You will learn coping skills for yourself and your child in dealing with urges to use electronics.
You will identify and lock down all electronic devices in your home to limit access.
You will help your child develop healthy routines focusing on improving sleep and health.
Your family will spend more time with each other by developing family days.
You will learn how to combat negative thoughts for yourself and your child.
You will learn how to communicate better with your child and family.
This book provides solid strategies broken down into useful bites. I walked away feeling even more aware of current trends in electronic addiction, which is an ever changing challenge. I will recommend to parents, teens, and young adults who are dealing with this modern day process addiction.
Darleen W.
Nathan Driskell has wrote a easy to read and understand book, it was insightful and imformative.
Mary D.
Nathan provide clear simple logical insight and tools. an easy read.
Very informative. A must read for parents who may or may not have concerns with electronics addiction.
Meg M.
It is a great right to the point book if you have children who can’t even eat without watching something on the phone or messaging to friends. Without lots of words about nothing, this book dives right into the problem and solution.
Florentina G.
Based on my son’s experience in Mr. Nathan Driskell’s private practice – I purchased the books he authored. I highly recommend both books. Well written, easy to read and comprehend, very insightful content.
Very informative and definitely a necessary subject to discuss especially in this generation.
Melissa B.
About The Author
Nathan Driskell is a writer, public speaker, and therapist specializing in treating Internet Addiction and High Functioning Autism.
Nathan is a former Internet Addict who spent six years trapped within an online game. After escaping his online world, he became a therapist to help others with this addiction. With the advent of Smartphones and Social Media, Digital Addiction is quickly becoming a mental health crisis the world is unprepared to combat. Nathan’s books are designed for parents and individuals to help fight this addiction so that they can take back their lives.
Nathan provides teletherapy services to anyone in the state of Texas, where he sees children, adolescents, and adults who are addicted to the Internet or have High Functioning Autism. Nathan has been in practice for over sixteen years and is a Licensed Professional Counselor in good standing in Texas. If you wish to learn more about Nathan, visit his website:
If you need to find a therapist to help you combat this addiction, feel free to Contact Me. I can see residents of Texas in person or via teletherapy. If you are outside of Texas and need to find a therapist, let me know, and I can help you find a therapist in your area!
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Are you tired of your situation and know it is time to change? You can decide to change and do the work or do nothing and get nothing in return. For the price of two coffees, you can have real, lasting change. Click the button below to purchase the book.