The Time For Change Is Now!

Do you spend countless hours online? Do you play games into the early hours of the morning? Are most of your relationships online? Has this affected your education, career, or relationships? Have you tried to limit your time online but failed? Unfortunately, Internet Addiction is a real and serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. If you wish to change and gain control of your life, the time is now!

Internet Addiction: Kicking the Habit: 30 Day Plan to Take Back Your Life

About The Book

How much time do you spend online for non-work or school activities in a typical day? Do you think it is 5 hours? 10 Hours? More? Do you neglect responsibilities such as chores, homework, or spending time with real-life friends when online? Do you have real-life friends? These may be triggering questions, but you must be honest.

Internet addiction is dangerous and has cost millions of people their jobs, relationships, and families. Some have even lost their lives due to this addiction. If you have lost friends, employment, and educational opportunities, you must realize you have a problem and need help solving it.

As someone addicted to online games for six years, I understand how addictive and powerful the Internet can be. To that end, I became a therapist to help people addicted to the Internet or online games. In addition, I have created a self-help book for people addicted to electronics who wish to regain their lives.

My book, Internet Addiction: Kicking the Habit, is divided into 30 days of activities. In the beginning, you will gain insight into who you are and how your addiction has affected you. In addition, you will learn about your strengths and weaknesses, determine what you gain from being online, and learn how to find alternative activities.

The middle of the book will focus on your habits and routines. You will begin to create healthy habits, such as waking and sleeping schedules, and learn how to limit your time online. Throughout the book, you will learn how to limit your time and begin building real-life relationships. You will also learn to combat negative thoughts and urges often associated with addiction.

The end of the book will focus on building a complete routine and determining goals for your life. You are here for a reason, and you need realistic, concrete goals for your future. Once you have completed the book, you will have begun on a path of change and hope.

Be warned! Tackling any addiction is a challenging, time-consuming process. At times, you will fail and become discouraged! Do not give up! If you fail at completing some of the activities or step away from the book for a time, pick it up and begin again. There is no shame in struggle. If you are dedicated, over time, you will have gained the skills to earn your life back!

Book Preview


Before we begin the next 30 days together, I have a question to ask. Why are you reading this book? Take a moment to answer, and be honest. Are you reading this book because your parent/boss/significant other wants you to? Are you reading this book because others have told you you’re an addict? Have you made the choice to change?

If you are reading this book to please others, understand you will fail. You can go through the motions, follow the activities, and finish the book. However, you will not fully understand yourself and your problem; you will struggle with your addiction and make little progress.

I know this sounds harsh, but it is reality. Your spouse, parents, friends, or therapist cannot control your addiction. You have to make the choice to change, or you will fail. If you want to change, you have a good chance of making progress. If you are not ready to change deep down, progress will be slow or non-existent.

You may have told yourself the Internet is not addictive; therefore, you cannot have a problem. However, everything and anything can be addictive. The mental health community is slow to admit the addictive nature of the Internet and electronics because of a lack of research. The Internet can be more addictive than drugs and alcohol, as I have seen this addiction first hand.

How would I know this? Because like you, I am an Internet addict. Besides being a therapist, I am a gaming addict. I spent six years of my life trapped in an online game. During this time, I ignored family, friends, and risked my future, all in the service of addiction.

Even though I quit the game years ago, I continue to have urges to play. That game and many others are at my fingertips 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I could binge in a game at any time. Having my own business, I could take off work with no consequence. No boss or parent can force me to stop. Every day, I control if I work or if I binge.

So, what makes this book unique, and how can it help you? The difference between this book and others is my personal experiences with gaming and electronics addiction. I understand the thoughts, the lies, and the behaviors that come with being addicted to the Internet. I also have experience treating the addiction, as in my private practice, I specialize in treating Internet and gaming addiction. I know both perspectives: the addict and the specialist. This book will present you with both sides of the issue to help you take back control of your life.

Understand this will be a challenging experience. I am going to ask you to make radical changes in your life. You will be limiting access to electronics. You will be creating daily routines you will begin to follow for the rest of your life. You will be going out in public and meeting people, learning how to interact in the real world.

Each day you will have activities to perform. These activities are required to continue through the book. Some will be easy; some will be extremely difficult. One of the goals of this book is to learn who you are. The first 3rd of this book focuses on who you are as a person how your addiction has affected you. This knowledge will help you find your purpose, which is critical in helping you fight your addiction. In therapy, I often have my Clients undergo these same activities.

Speaking of therapists, I recommend you have one while working through this book. This book is NOT designed to replace therapy! Therapy is a critical process for anyone who is an addict. This book should be used in conjunction with therapy, as a therapist can help you work through parts of this book for maximum effect. Even if the therapist does not specialize in treating Internet addiction, as long as the therapist understands addictions, they will work.

At times this book may feel somewhat personal, as I often refer to myself and the struggles I had to face. However, I feel these segments are important so you can see how I experienced my addiction and the actions I perform to manage it.

To that end, I should introduce myself. My name is Nathan Driskell, and I am a therapist in the Houston / Cypress area. I have been a therapist for over six years, and throughout most of this time, I have specialized in treating Internet / Gaming Addiction. I am a nerd, having grown up with computers, and have experience as a web designer and network administrator. I understand technology and have worked in the public and private sector. While I no longer work in computers, I keep up with the latest technologies. As far as computers, games, and the Internet in general, I enjoy them as a hobby.

It is time for us to begin our journey together. Be warned; I am sometimes blunt as I do not believe in wasting time. Therefore each chapter is short and to the point. Most chapters take 5-10 minutes to read. Once you have finished reading a chapter, complete the activity assigned. Some activities are quick; some may take hours. You will need to be committed to completing this book, as hours of work will go into it. Have faith in yourself, as you can do this.

I have divided this book into three parts: Insight, Action, and Maintenance. Insight focuses on who you are, how your addiction has affected you, and what you want for your future. Action includes all the changes you will make in your daily life, such as limiting access to the Internet & changing how you think. Finally, maintenance concludes the book with completing your final daily routines, as well as setting goals for your long-term future.

Let us begin our journey together. Onward to Day 1!

You will learn more about who you are and how your addiction has impacted your life.

You will learn what you gain from being online, from forming relationships to self-esteem, and how to find these needs in the real world.

You will learn healthy coping skills to use to combat anxiety and stress.

You will learn how to create healthy routines and find new hobbies.

You will learn how to combat negative thoughts and urges to be online.

You will learn how to socialize better and make new real-life friends.

You will work to create long-term goals for your future and to create a plan for your life.


This book is totally awesome and easy to read. It has helped me so much. I defiantly recommend this book for those struggling with internet, gaming or any other type of technology addictions.
Cady P.

The book is thorough, provides useful examples and practical steps, and left me feeling more prepared and ready to respond to this serious modern day challenge.
Darleen W.

Nathan Driskell MA, LPC-S, NCC wrote a phenomenal tool book that not only discusses how to overcome internet addiction, but his transparency about his past internet addiction by encouraging everyone locally and globally that internet addiction is real and that it is a journey to recovery from which he overcame.

The book is thorough, provides useful examples and practical steps, and left me feeling more prepared and ready to respond to this serious modern day challenge.
Darleen W.

I am thankful to Nathan Driskell for tackling such a difficult topic in a thoughtful and personal way in his book “Internet Addiction: Kicking the Habit.” His insights and experience lend itself to the practical tips and recommendations in the book.

This book is a great read and it can help anyone that has a addiction to internet get back on track. I believe this book can help with other addiction it is a easy read and gets to the point which is very helpful. It’s very informative and can help a variety of people use the steps to put their lives in order. I recommend this book to anyone that is interested in a better quality of life.
Mary D.

Nathan did a great job of addressing internet addiction in this book. As a mental health professional, I appreciate the fact that the information in the book could be helpful over many conditions such as drug addiction, low self esteem, etc… This is a great resource!
Lindsey B.

About The Author

Nathan Driskell: Life Coach

Nathan Driskell is a writer, public speaker, and therapist specializing in treating Internet Addiction and High Functioning Autism. 

Nathan is a former Internet Addict who spent six years trapped within an online game. After escaping his online world, he became a therapist to help others with this addiction. With the advent of Smartphones and Social Media, Digital Addiction is quickly becoming a mental health crisis the world is unprepared to combat. Nathan’s books are designed for parents and individuals to help fight this addiction so that they can take back their lives.

Nathan provides teletherapy services to anyone in the state of Texas, where he sees children, adolescents, and adults who are addicted to the Internet or have High Functioning Autism. Nathan has been in practice for over sixteen years and is a Licensed Professional Counselor in good standing in Texas. If you wish to learn more about Nathan, visit his website:

If you need to find a therapist to help you combat this addiction, feel free to Contact Me. I can see residents of Texas in person or via teletherapy. If you are outside of Texas and need to find a therapist, let me know, and I can help you find a therapist in your area!

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A man with a beard, smiling.